The One Thing I Need To Do Each Night


As most of you know I started participating in the 5am club about a month ago and I really, really love it.

It provides me with time to move my body and stimulate my mind before I begin the day of demanding children and to-do lists.

The schedule looks something like this:

I’ve been on a pretty good morning roll and the reason starts long before my alarm goes off.

In fact, it’s because of what I do at night before bed that I’m successful in the morning.

The only way I’ve found, to guarantee my success is to: PREPARE. PREPARE. PREPARE.

Before bed, I lay out my Yoga mat, fill my water bottle, flip my notebook to a fresh page, get my pen ready, put my book pile on the arm of the couch and set my alarm.

When I do all of those things the night before, I get up at 5am.

When I don’t do those things the night before, I “sleep in”.

100% of the time.

Really, when I think about it… anything I’ve ever gotten done that I’ve wanted to do has come from planning and preparing.

So now I ask you this:

What do you want to start? What do you want to accomplish?

How can you make a plan that guarantees your success?

Lastly, I have to make sure I point out that I’m far from perfect. I’ve been choosing to not set an alarm on Sunday because sometimes it just feels good to not. If I’m up late working on something, I’ll set my alarm for 5:15am or even 5:30am. I do the best I can and if I start to veer off track my goal is to always pull myself back on as soon as possible because I’m worth it.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on any and all of this!
Comment below or DM me on IG!

January In Review ~

Oh January! What a month. Honestly, the most intense month of my life!

I wrote out January's dreams at the end of December and I kept going back to it throughout each week. I didn't do everything I wanted to do but I got much more done than I expected!

January In Review

- Gave birth to my little human, Thomas George, January 2nd at 7:29pm.
- Spent a week in the Castle nursery with baby Thomas. So. Many. Emotions.
- Read one book, Big Magic (for the second time) -- goodness I love that book. Feeling so inspired!
- Tom's family came out for a visit ~ his mom, stepdad and aunt came to meet our son. So nice seeing and spending time with them!
- My sister Coco came out for a full week! Chats, good food, lounging, beach and lots of baby time. She was the best!
- Got breastfeeding down! It was my greatest desire to BF my baby and without being too tooting of my own horn, we're rocking it. I love doing it!
- Went to one Mommy & Me Hui at Castle. Six moms in a room nursing and chatting. It was everything I needed.
- Created a budget with the hubby! All bills are organized and on a spreadsheet! (Thanks Tom!)
- Had two baby appointments with the pediatrician and a mama appointment with my midwife. (When you have a baby I swear your life turns into appointments!)
- Packed up all my maternity clothes and cleaned out my closet! Boy does that feel GOOD.
- Got my hair done! I hadn't touched my hair since before my honeymoon almost 9 months ago. A MUCH needed and well deserved treat if I do say so myself!

January went by so fast and in all honesty it was really hard. I'm looking forward to stepping into February and getting into more of a routine with Thomas.

I also looking forward carving out time for some of my personal goals ~ reading, blogging, business and getting on my Yoga mat.