November in Review | New Life
The month we’ve been waiting for all year!
A crazy month, a busy month — also, the month we welcomed our new little boy into the world.
I took my last official bump photo at exactly 38 weeks pregnant. I actually documented my bump starting at 8 weeks back in Hawaii. I never missed a photo, shooting every other week until he arrived! It’s so fun to look back on, it really seemed like I was pregnant forever!
38 weeks pregnant
We also got to experience our first snowy, cold Minnesota days. Honestly, it hasn’t been too bad because I haven’t left the house much. I’ve been totally and willingly hibernating and I wouldn’t have it any other way. TG loves being outside and I’m lucky enough to have a husband that enjoys it too! You can find me inside sippin’ hot cocoa watching a movie or putzing around my house!
Adores the snow and his daddy even more!
Mikko James Jokinen | November 12th, 10:01am | 7lbs. 1 oz. 21in.
Since Mikko’s arrival we’ve had plenty of visitors! My mother in law stayed with us for a week and a half (the best!), aunts, uncles, sisters, cousins and grandparents. Each visit reminds me of why I moved to Minnesota and makes me grateful that family is so close.
New life visitors
“40 weeks” holding a one week old Mikko James
It’s been wonderful and tiring. Knowing how fast it goes gets me through the early morning hours. I wouldn’t trade this phase of life I’m in for anything… the best moments of my life as well as the most challenging. Motherhood… motherhood.
This right here is real life with a two week old
It’s been quite the adjustment for my little Thomas George. He’s doing the best he can and we’re doing the best we can to help him. It hasn’t been easy sharing the attention but I know it’s just another phase we’ll get through. He does better every single day. We sure do love this boy!
Thomas George, 23 months old
We are nearing the end of our 365 project. What a year it has been and I am so grateful to have been documenting it day by day. I’m part of a blog circle and this month it’s me and Laura.
Laura just had her third baby boy, so getting to travel this path together this year has been so fun. Please check out her post and incredible work!
I’ll see you guys next month. Many blessings, always!