Second Trimester -- Baby J
18 Weeks Pregnant
- Ahh, the sweet, sweet second trimester! Around week 15 my energy came back full force and it was so welcomed. Like last time, I just got to the point where I wondered if it'd ever come back... phew. Back to functioning like a human!
- I decided this is by far my favorite trimester and I put it on cruise control. We've been very busy with moving and buying a house and just summer in general -- I haven't has near as much time this pregnancy to watch my app each week. The whole thing is going by so incredibly fast!
- By the evening and night I feel pretty tired but always sleep decent and wake up with a lot of energy... and I'm currently sleeping on an air mattress! Luckily I'll be in a nice big bed next week for the rest of my pregnancy!
- Thomas George is not quite sure about mama's growing belly. If I'd let him, he'd bounce on it with incredible toddler energy many times a day. Sometimes I ask him where baby is and he points to my belly... other times he goes and gets his book to show me the baby in the book. Little does he know I'm growing his best friend for life!
- I'm finally all set up with my prenatal care. I'll be working with the midwives in Woodbury at their Birth Center. It feels a bit like Castle where I had George and I already feel at home there. It feels good to finally be established and ready for the big day!
- GENDER!!!! We got the gender and I'll be back to update this as soon as we announce it! :D
26 Weeks Pregnant
- Movement! This baby is a mover and a groover, just like George. I started feeling my first flutters in week 14 and they just continued to get stronger and more noticeable as the weeks went on. By the end of the second trimester we can feel and see baby's many movements!
- I haven't really experienced any cravings this trimester and the cravings of all things hot and spicy sort of subsided. I am pretty sure that I am eating more overall and not as well as I did with George. I'm blaming the move and busy season of our life....
- At the start of second trimester we found out there was a calcium deposit on baby's heart. Everything else seemed to be fine and they said it's pretty common. We were asked if we wanted to do any kind of genetic testing and we decided not to. I don't feel worried about it at all and no matter what happens, I'll be lovin' this baby until the end of time!
- I made it sleeping on my belly to about week 27 which is sort of crazy because I'm pretty sure I should have been done around week 22 this time. It's seriously so hard for me to sleep on my side! I wake up on my back a lot which is bad news, and heave myself to my side. Seriously. The thing I miss MOST is sleeping on my stomach (and wearing normal clothes).
- At my last appointment in the second trimester I had gained 12 lbs so far. She said that at my next appointment is when my weight will probably make a leap since that really isn't a lot... which is weird because I FEEL SO DIFFERENT AND SO BIG.
- I am pretty sure we have this baby's name narrowed down between two. We might just have to meet before we decide!! Naming a baby is crazy hard!
- Our family and friends are so so excited to meet this new baby... we are too! It's my in laws 2nd grand baby and my parent's 6th grand baby! I just keep thinking about what he will look like and how he will be. Mama is hoping he looks more like her this time but I'd be happy with another little George (daddy clone) too!
Baby is the size of a: PEACH
Length & weight: 8 3/4 in. & 1.5 lbs.
Mama's cravings: Not so much a specific thing but more like cold stuff. I have been eating a lot of dairy free ice cream! I also just like to feel FULL. No way can I be hungry at all.
Weight update: Gained 12 lbs. since appointment number one!
We're feeling: Excited... but yet, a part of it doesn't feel real! I can't believe our family will be growing like this so soon! I am ready but not ready at all!
Highlight of the second trimester: Finding out baby's gender and telling everyone!
Energy levels: Rockstar energy in the morning and real tired in the evening and night.
Habits: Honestly, we've been so busy! But I take my prenatals and DHA everyday, get to all my appointments and of course do my legs up the wall 4-5x a week!