I was thinking about it the other day — about some of the people I admire.

Photographers, sharks, athletes, artists, you know, the makers.
People out in the world doing interesting and creative things.

And I thought about what it is I admire most.


They said YES.

Sometime, somewhere in their journey, they said YES to something uncomfortable.
To something scary.
To something they might not have felt ready for.

They said yes to looking dumb.
They risked failing.
And then they risked failing again.

They said yes to changing course.
Yes to trying.

They get up early.
They do the work.
They say yes.

So to anyone out there saying yes, when you so badly want to say no and run far away and hide forever, I admire you.

Keep going.


Like a Photograph

So many thoughts pass through my mind during the day.
They always have.

Except now that I find myself in the thick of motherhood, thoughts get lost, ignored or just crowded out.

I miss it. I miss this.

Art found it's way back into my life through photography.... & I love it.

I mean, I really love it. Utterly fascinated with the making & taking of a photograph.

Then, from photography, my creativity began to bleed into other mediums...
lettering, watercolors & my first true love, collage art.

And now here I sit, staring at a blinking cursor.

Gah, it makes me so happy.

I've always loved to write.

A way to catch thoughts, questions, feelings & ideas -- nailing them down before they're gone forever.

In a way, a bit like a photograph.

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