WHEN YOU LOOK, WHAT DO YOU SEE? | Seeking in Palm Springs, CA
Color, texture, shape, feeling — through my lens in Palm Springs, CA.
Seeking inspired by photographer Jessica Backhaus in WONDER.
Color, texture, shape, feeling — through my lens in Palm Springs, CA.
Seeking inspired by photographer Jessica Backhaus in WONDER.
I was thinking about it the other day — about some of the people I admire.
Photographers, sharks, athletes, artists, you know, the makers.
People out in the world doing interesting and creative things.
And I thought about what it is I admire most.
They said YES.
Sometime, somewhere in their journey, they said YES to something uncomfortable.
To something scary.
To something they might not have felt ready for.
They said yes to looking dumb.
They risked failing.
And then they risked failing again.
They said yes to changing course.
Yes to trying.
They get up early.
They do the work.
They say yes.
So to anyone out there saying yes, when you so badly want to say no and run far away and hide forever, I admire you.
Keep going.
Oodalalee, another year has come and gone.
I have to laugh reading my blurb from 2018 — about looking forward to a low key year. I have two dudes under three and Tom had hip surgery, twice!
It was not low key.
It was wildly challenging — but we did it. We made it. And of course, looking back at the photos, I’m reminded of what a beautiful year it was.
2019 was packed with visitors, trips, milestones, firsts and lasts. It was good.
I look optimistically at 2020 and of course, I’ll be here, documenting along the way.
This photo recap was created by taking three photos from each month of my 365 project - gosh it’s hard to choose! It was my second year completing one and I just sent it off to the printer!
Wishing you many blessings in 2020!
Let’s cut straight to it.
I don’t have time for mega resolutions, at least not this year.
But I’ve always loved the fresh feeling of January 1st.
So this year, I’m going to chase one thing and focus.
One thing.
Life happens fast. Throw in a husband, two babies and a dog that’s like another baby, it feels like life doesn’t stop.
But there’s magic.
Everywhere. All around.
And I believe in it with my whole heart.
But I want to see it, more.
Details are everything.
Like this photo I took this fall.
It’s amazing, really.
The way the light hits the leaves outside my window. For only about an hour or so in the morning. Only on days when there isn’t cloud cover. Only for about a week when the leaves are a fiery burnt red-orange.
I never want to be too busy or too lost in my day to miss something like this.
So there we have it. I want to observe more in 2020. See the things that make the magic.
What do you always notice during your day? What is the kind of magic you’re drawn to? Is it the light, the colors, the emotion?
If you’ve never noticed stuff like this, that’s ok. There is no better time to start.
Why not today?
Drop your email below to stay connected.
On January 1st, 2018 I started taking a photo every single day.
I haven’t stopped.
Life goes fast. You know that.
A lot of times the days blur together.. weeks to months to years.
Add growing and raising small humans and it’s like pushing fast forward.
Starting a 365 project is such a good way to slow down, even for a minute each and every day.
Your details, your memories, your life! It’s all so important.
What exactly is a 365 Project?
Taking (at least) one photograph every single day for the entire year, 365 days. Compiling the photographs in a blog or album. Honestly, you make the rules, but that’s the gist. Some people are strict, while others are pretty lenient! It’s totally up to you!
How did you get started?
At the end of 2017, I had just completed a Shooting in Manual online photography course. One of the other students asked if I wanted to join her 365 photo group.
I figured there was no better way to learn my camera than to commit to shooting every single day! It was a big time of transition in our lives which was also a draw, to document it all.
Why do a 365?
I don’t want to forget a thing! So much has already changed since day one.
Family memories are the most important to me.. I also appreciate the opportunity to practice my craft and be more observant of the magic of life happening around me!
Really, it’s a way to hold onto special moments and to remember little details, feelings and places.
Have you ever missed a day?
Yes, I have missed two so far! Both times, taking a photo just completely slipped my mind. There was nothing special going on that day, just spaced it. I didn’t even miss when I was in labor, lol! I’ve also accidentally deleted a couple days. On all occasions I just drew photos from other days. No stress.
Oh! And I’ve had plenty days where I shoot after 9pm because I just forget. It sure forces you to get creative and I like that!
Do you need a DSLR camera? What do you use?
Most definitely not. I know people that have done one with their DSLR cameras, their phones or a mix of both. Personally I use my Canon 6D DSLR for every photo, every time. Mostly because this is my craft and art I chose and because I print a big book at the end of the year. There’s no right or wrong, It’s up to you. More about printing below!
Do you ever get behind?
Oh yes.. but I try my hardest not to because it’s a pain. I’ll keep my camera on the counter and shoot everyday only uploading every few days or so. I don’t like to get even a week behind! I usually remember what was taken on what day but as soon as I upload to Lr it shows the capture date which makes keeping track easy!
Do you ever run out of things to photograph?
This is by far the most frequently asked question. No, I never do! I usually have ideas a week out, honestly!
Have you ever taken a break?
I’ve gotten lazy, sure. I’ve gotten busy… but I always keep shooting.
How do you print the photos at the end of the year?
I upload my photos into the BookWright app I downloaded from Blurb.com on my desktop computer. It’s easy to print at the end of the year because I frequently upload and save.* Since I shoot with my DSLR and edit in Lightroom it’s a pretty easy workflow.
I do the 10x8 hardcover and I’m happy with the quality. I think it got it printed last year, with the 40% off coupon for about $90!
I do know people that have shot completely on their cellphone and upload their photos to the Chatbooks app and print a 365 book with them! They have 3 different sizes up to 366 pages soft and hardcover. I can’t say about the quality because I’ve never used them but it looks like a great easy option if you’re using your phone!
*Whatever print/storage service you use, make sure it supports at least 365 pages. Not all books do that many pages.
*Wait for a good coupon before printing. Blurb offers 40% off every so often so I wait until they offer and then print!
Alright, I think that covers everything. Again, if you have any questions, please let me know!
Happy creating and the best of luck!!
So many thoughts pass through my mind during the day.
They always have.
Except now that I find myself in the thick of motherhood, thoughts get lost, ignored or just crowded out.
I miss it. I miss this.
Art found it's way back into my life through photography.... & I love it.
I mean, I really love it. Utterly fascinated with the making & taking of a photograph.
Then, from photography, my creativity began to bleed into other mediums...
lettering, watercolors & my first true love, collage art.
And now here I sit, staring at a blinking cursor.
Gah, it makes me so happy.
I've always loved to write.
A way to catch thoughts, questions, feelings & ideas -- nailing them down before they're gone forever.
In a way, a bit like a photograph.
Have you ever poured every bit of yourself into something to later change directions, deciding it was no longer for you?
Did that make you feel shitty? Confident? Excited? Shameful?
I’ve been there…many times.
And if you’ve ever put yourself out there, you’ve probably been there, too.
But if I’ve learned anything over this past decade of soul searching it’s this:
It’s OK to change your mind.
Let me say it again, louder.
You can correct course, or follow a new path, or change lanes, or stop and start again.
And if this decision only impacts you, you don’t need to explain yourself to anyone.
Someone recently made a comment to me... loosely along the lines of how many different things I’ve done over the years. How many times I’ve changed my mind… almost if to say, you’re changing your mind.. again?
It wasn’t meant to be mean at all, I mean I HAVE lived a very multi-passionate life at the ripe ol’ age of 31… but it did make me stop and cock my head, eyebrows down, as if to say, “Yes. SO. What’s your point?”
I am always on the path of discovery and learning new things.
I’m being inspired daily by new thoughts and ideas…. And confidently so.
If I didn’t feel as bold as I do now, and this comment really got to me, then what?
I just stop doing anything at all?
Let myself be sucked into living in the safest way possible as not to ruffle anyones feathers?
Conform to make people comfortable or to ensure they think a certain positive way about me?
Oh my gosh just typing that sentence gets me all fired up.
Like ope, reached my try quota! Time to just sit down and do nothing!
It’s bullshit and I will not accept it.
No one should.
I don’t care if I fail 12 (hundred) times or if I change my mind 100 (thousand) times, I am STILL going to start again and I’m STILL going to be inspired again and no matter what.
And I’ll ALWAYS keep dreaming new dreams.
Give yourself time. Give yourself space. Maybe take a break to let the dust settle.
But if you feel it in your heart to maybe go back to school or start a business, or change your business or take a dance class or write or maybe even leave it all to go raise your babies… then do it.
But just promise me you’ll never stop pursing what makes you happy. Promise me you’ll never stop wanting to make a better world and lastly, promise yourself you’ll never make a decision based on someone else’s opinion no matter what that looks like for you.
What are you starting, trying or dreaming of? Leave a comment below to let me know.
You know me, I’ll be sharing it all on the blog so be sure to follow along.
And when I don’t have time to blog (I AM a mother of two littles) I’ll be creating over on instagram, so be sure to connect with me there!